Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Monday was an exciting day, for two very big reasons!

First, Taylor Swift's new album, Red!  Her last one came out during my 365 day photo blog :)  So Suzanne and I of course went to Target to buy it and got our traditional starbucks after!

And then second, but certainly not least....
My mister is all grown up now! He is pulling up on literally anything he can grab on to. He was so proud of himself too when I came in the room and found him that way. Of course his excitement was short lived when his reward was being jailed by daddy lowering the mattress as low as it goes when he got home :)

 Ramona: "How could you let this happen to us??"

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ten Months

Oliver is 10 months old today.  I can't believe in two months my little two pound baby will already be a year old!  This past month he became really good at occupying himself playing with his toys or in his walkers or play gym.  It's been so good for him to be happy playing on his own and it has really helped for me to have some free time even if it's just that I get to read while he plays next to me!  He was even so excited to see the camera today that he smiled big with all his teeth!