Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lots of catching up to do!

It's been a long time since blogger has allowed me to upload any photos, and now it has and I'm so excited!  A lot has been going on these past few weeks!

Oliver says a few words now!  His first word was "yay" and he's so cute when he says it!  In the next week or so, he picked up "Hi" and "Bye Bye"... he will wave and say "hi-yi" and "eye-eye" is his bye bye.  He waves to the cats all the time now and to random people if we are standing inline or something.  He also has a specific sound he makes for the cats that could sound like "kitties" but I'm not calling that one official yet.

Next is his first Thanksgiving!  He was such a good boy for both family dinners with mine and Nate's family.  He ate turkey and pie at both :)

Ok, moving on.... My brother, Andrew, welcomed his new baby girl, Lyla Finn, into the world on November 29th weighing 6Lbs. 12oz.  Rachel's delivery went really well and all are home, healthy and hangin in there through the sleepless nights so far ;)

Which would make me a first time aunt :)  Lyla is so pretty, and while she's got a pair of lungs on her, she's a good baby and so alert, really looking at you when she's awake!

And Oliver is a cousin now too!  I'm happy he will have someone to grow up next to and play with and I hope they will be close and take care of each other when they're older :) Right now he just seems to want to eat her lol

And last, but not least, Oliver turned one last week!  I still can't get used to the fact that I have a one year old!  Not possible... my baby was two pounds just yesterday I swear!  We had a little party for him with my family and Nate's family.  We got Chick Fil A chicken nuggets which are one of Oliver's favorite foods so far!  And Surprisingly he actually ate his cake... well most of it until he decided he was finished and it needed to be on the floor :)

Birthday boy and his granddaddy!

And then these are just a few of my favorite pictures since then!

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