Wednesday, March 13, 2013


It's been a while.... almost a month actually... since I've posted anything.  I haven't really had the chance to sit down at the desktop to upload pictures.  This is a busy time for us, one of the two very busy times of the year the other being around the winter holidays.

So first of all, the most important new thing is that we are going to have a new Pope!  Thus the reason I'm getting this chance to post, because I've decided that seeing when the new pope is elected is pretty much more important than anything else right this second so I'm making sure to be around the TV during the times when there could be smoke indicating a decision or lack there of.

 It's Oliver's first new Pope!  Of course, he's asleep right now so mamma will be excited for him :)  The conclave started yesterday so it's an exciting atmosphere around here!


We're standing now :)  This picture is from the first days of practicing "steady on your feet" as we call it, which was a few weeks ago.... he's now pretty solid and is always pulling up and letting go of everything, sometimes in places and on things he should not be letting go, but thankfully I've always been there to catch him.  He's quite a dare devil, a climber (we go all the way up stairs too!).  He's chewing on a diaper cover by the way.... why he likes to do this, I don't know, but he always finds them and thinks it's funny!

Earlier in March, Nate and I started building the Lego space shuttle!  He got it for us for Christmas and it's pretty awesome.  Didn't take us NEARLY as long as the Taj Mahal, but it was fun to do when Oliver was asleep.

I recently converted my whole cloth diaper stash.  Oliver was having such diaper trouble with the Flip stay dry inserts, but I wasn't ready to give up on the cloth yet.  He and I took a trip to Greenberries, a consignment store close by... and decided to try the Organic Cotton pre folds.  So far they aren't a miracle, but they feel much better the the synthetic material we had before, which supposedly babies can develop a sensitivity to when their diet changes and they get older (go figure!)  We also bought tow awesome wet bags so we no longer have to use those disposable "diaper sacks" when we're out.  We got a small one for when we are out during the day and a large one for when we need to transport the diapers for washing to my mom's house! They are both worth the purchase (they are kind of expensive) especially since we can use them even if he's out of diapers for trips to the beach or pools where we either need to store wet things or protect something from getting wet!  We also stopped using the diaper genie.  It was great, but I really couldn't keep up purchasing the refills, plus I thought maybe the system that is meant to keep smells in, might also be hindering the cloth diapers smell wise.  We switched to just using a trash can and pillow case and we haven't noticed a problem since with smell in the room or after washing!  Over all it's not perfect, but it all seems to be working for us.  Just like anything else I've gone through since Oliver was born, it seems to take some spending money and trial and error but I know one day he'll be potty trained and this will all just be a distant memory!

Our new set up!

On March 7th... The new Ranch Dorito Tacos came out!!!  Kim and Rylee, Tarik, Tommy, Suzanne joined us to go try them :)  They are awesome.... not as good as the original cheese I think, but definitely worth getting now and then!

The babies are getting so big!  I got this fantastic picture of my aunt and Grandmother with Oliver and Lyla!

And then here are the new pictures from this years handbell Festival this past weekend!  Nate, Oliver and I all went.  It was a good time.  The expected amount of stressful because Oliver is older and busier now and not content to be in one place too long especially if he can't do what he wants!  Then combined with the expected awesomeness of the festival, I always learn things from the director there and I live for the massed rehearsals and spending time with everyone, it was a good weekend!

While we were in Ocean City, we also looked for hermit crab shells.  I was particularly desperate this time because never once has my little green crab changed shells in two and a half years.  I wouldn't worry about that if it weren't for the fact that it was obviously too big for it's shell.  I bought four shells, and then at the last second I switched one out thinking maybe I had been getting shells that were too big for her.  The day after we got back, I put the new shells in the cage and told them this was as good as it was going to get since shells are expensive so they had better like them!  Only a few hours later when it was time for bed, I go into the bedroom and notice that the green shell looks particularly empty and upside down!  Excited, I looked around and noticed the smaller shell I had picked last minute wasn't where I originally put it!  Score one for hermit crab mamma :)  I had been starting to feel like a crab failure with the green crab.... which is now the brown and white crab :) lol The other one is the brown crab (aka shell hog since it's changed like 4 times since I've had them!)

That's about it for now!  Thanks for checking in!

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