Thursday, April 25, 2013

Last Saturday...

... was one of those crazy awesome whirlwind kind of days.  So much to do, and not one thing would have been worth kicking off the list to make it less busy!  In the morning we had a yard sale at my parent's house. Let me just say, I got my exercise for the whole year lol  And by we, I mostly mean me and my dad in the beginning and so by we I mean a lot of me running back and forth answering people's questions and attempting while miserably failing to make change for people (note to people, do not wipe a girl out of her one dollar bills 5 minutes after the yard sale starts, not cool!)  So eventually everyone got up and running and things were still crazy but we got a rhythm going,  The other thing about yard sales is that when you're the one running it, it seems like a lot more time passes than what actually does.  Since I had to leave half way through, I kept panicking that I had lost track of time only to find that 5 minutes had gone by (note to self, wear a watch next time!)

So, about my having to leave half way through.  There are two weekends this year during which everything decided to be on one of those two Saturdays.  I had always wanted to do the yard sale on my grandparents street, turns out that's the same day as my friend's wedding, for which I will be in Georgia!  SO that's a no go.  So then there is the 20th.... I already had two things planned in advance.... the Great Cloth Diaper Change at our consignment store to break the world record of the most cloth diapers changed at one time AND our church talent show in the evening to raise money for a 4th octave of handbells.  As I'm driving down my parents street a bit ago, I see the sign for their multi family yard sale that the corner house always arranges and I think "oh fantastic, this will take the place of that other one I can't make it to"  As I search for the date on the sign, why am I not surprised, the 20th!!!!!  Any sane person would say, oh well, next time.  But I am not that person.  The other yard sale goes twice a year, but I have summer things to sell and this one only goes in the spring.  So I knew that way my only shot!  So I add it to the list.  On top of that, we also found out that my sister was invited to a dance, also the same day!  So that makes FOUR things.

I rush off to the GCDC in the middle of the yard sale.... if you ever go to a record breaking event, take a baby carrier, don't second guess it like I did!  My arm was killing me by the end of the day from holding Oliver while going around collecting Bingo signatures with the other hand.  I don't know what I expected, but the insanity that came with 11 O'clock was outstanding!  Everyone got their own square just barely big enough to fit themselves let alone a baby or in my case a tall skinny toddler baby. You also had to have a changing pad and in my case I had to have a blanket for Oliver to be distracted by chewing on in hopes that he wouldn't freak out like he usually does when I change his diaper at home.  So they are yelling one minute to changing diapers and I'm just praying my kid doesn't turn over and tear off diaper less through the crowd of other moms, many of whom were probably hoping the same thing.  We hold up our clean diapers for the before pictures and when they yell change, I move as fast as humanly possible, forgoing the wipe concept since I knew that would only get in the way (plus i had changed him before we left too so that I knew he wouldn't be needing one) and to my surprise, he thought the whole thing was funny and didn't budge!  So what, do I need a room full of people and someone to yell "change" for him not to throw a fit at home???  Somehow I think he would catch on eventually!  So just as fast as we all got in, we also got out!  I was ready to go home big time so I got his picture taken and got our gift bag and off we went!  Fun fun event!!!

Then home to curl my sister's hair for her dance... unfortunately I didn't get to see her and her date before they left because I had to skip off to the church to practice for the talent show, but I've seen the pictures and she was particularly lovely and I was glad I at least got to help even a little bit!  Hey, hair is a very important part of said dances, right?

And last but not least.... the talent show!  It was such a nice night!  After taking Oliver from my mom's back to his daddy at home, I rushed (responsibly of course) over to the church for the last part of my day.  It was actually kind of the most relaxing part of the day because while I was busy, it was just me... no baby, no change, no diapers etc!  I sang with my good friends, our bell performances went as smoothly as they could go.  We played Over the Rainbow and a phantom of the Opera medley which was really cool!  One of our I bought some things in the silent auction and some of the baked good from the youth group oh and I was in a skit too :) lol I usually don't like to be in front of people, but I admit this was really fun.  We all just had a nice, laid back, easy going night.

So at the end of the day, I made 36 dollars, learned how to bargain and deal with people just looking to make a profit off my stuff (that was fun!), set a world record using my kid's diaper, got up and sang in front of people without dying!, and spent my last $10 on junk food, the best coconut bread on the face of the planet and auction items I probably didn't need!  At the end of which I quickly passed out in bed without even knowing my husband came in or when!  I would like to say that's the end of being busy..... but that most likely won't be til mid May.  But Kateri and Arthur are visiting from Texas this weekend and I CAN'T WAIT to see them... so I know it's all worth it!

Thanks for reading!  And here are some pictures from the diaper change :)


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