Thursday, September 6, 2012


Today was yet another big day for us.  I'm pretty sure every day feels like a big day now :)  Last night, at several people's suggestions, I bought Oliver a fresh food feeder, for putting in fresh fruits and such so he can chew on it and get the idea of chewing and getting the nutrients without the risk of choking.  Figures as much that for the boy who insists on stealing everything from me and chewing it, the fruit thing (as it is easier to say) ended up on the floor after about 5 seconds!  Eventually, we got some use out of it.... but I got a bunch of these "you expect me to hold this myself" looks!

Soon after breakfast, we would discover he has his front TOP two teeth, just in over night apparently because they were definitely NOT there last night when I checked!  He's also figured out how to click his tongue and has changed that to his happy sound, it used to be lip smacking :) But I think the clicking is much more adorable!
After lunch I filled out and sent in my RSVP for the Franklin Square NICU reunion at the end of this month.  I've been waiting for the invite all summer and was very excited because I love that sort of stuff!
And last but very much not least...
Lyndsay came to visit!  She just graduated her school in California and is here on a break before she moves on to Georgia.  The last time I saw her was at Christmas when she came to the hospital with me to meet Oliver, so this is the first time she's seen him since he came home, and hopefully not the last for another year since Georgia is much more road trip-able than California :)  We caught up as per usual and then got Chick Fil A for dinner before I drove her home!
December 2011

  September 2012

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