Friday, September 28, 2012

Last Weekend

Was the first out of our many busy weekends to come!

The clip on chair we found for $5at the annual yard sale on my grandmother's street.... thank God for that yard sale, a always find exactly what I'm looking for and it's always a great day! Saved me from spending 10 times the money on something I didn't actually want!
Saturday was the NICU reunion for Franklin Square Hospital where Oliver was born.  We got to see his doctors and a few of the nurses that will stand out in my memory of our experience there.  He got to do his foot print painted on a blanket that we can see next year which was cool.... though hopefully next year we can switch to his hand print (we couldn't get him to not want to "pick up" the paint off his fingers so we went with foot!)  We sent in his pictures for a slideshow and it was exciting to see him along with the other babies up on the screen!

This is Sharron, on the left, she was one of my favorite nurses!

And this is Stacey, whos reassurance and willingness to talk to me as more than just her patient's mom, I will never forget <3

Then on Sunday, one of the greatest days ever....

My first, and hopefully not last since it was so amazing, Raven's game at the stadium.  TV just doesn't cut it now :)  The stadium was thrilling.... and cold and I discovered I do not at all like the smell of beer all around me, but still!!! Our seats were great and it was even exciting hightailing it to the light rail after so we could hurry home to Oliver who was with my mom!

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